Making an Erb’s palsy claim

If you need a solicitor who can help with your Erb’s palsy claim then give our free legal helpline a call. We will provide a free case assessment and tell you if we can work on a no win, no fee basis. Just call 0333 888 0412 or send an email to us at [email protected]

Erb’s Palsy is linked to birth trauma and affects the brachial plexus, which is the crucial bundle of nerves running through the shoulder area. Damage to this nerve bundle can produce symptoms varying from mild to total paralysis. Erb’s palsy can sometimes resolve, or lead to lifelong disability.

If it is suspected that a very young child has suffered damage to their brachial plexus before, during or shortly after birth, then early diagnosis and treatment can make a crucial difference to recovery.

As with other types of birth injury, careful analysis of the mother’s clinical birthing notes is essential to identify whether the clinical care given has fallen below an acceptable medical standard. A member of our medical negligence team will be able to do this for you and advise whether you are entitled to bring an Erb’s palsy claim for compensation.

Team leader, Oliver Thorne, is particularly experienced in this field. He has successfully pursued negligence claims on behalf of many children who have suffered Erb’s palsy following shoulder dystocia and has helped recover more than £15m for children affected by cerebral palsy. Oliver was also instrumental is creating our dedicated childbirth injury website which contains a vast amount of helpful information and relevant case studies showcasing our successes: visit

So if you need help making an Erb’s palsy claim and are looking for experienced solicitors with an excellent track record who can work on a no win, no fee basis then contact us today.

Call our Free Legal helpline on 0333 888 0412 or email us at [email protected]

Eeb’s Palsy Claims