We are proud to have been ranked among the best medical accident lawyers in the UK
The Legal 500 has ranked us among the best medical accident lawyers in the UK.
The highly influential guide to the legal profession carries out extensive research to select the very best lawyers and law firms in the UK.
The only way into the guide is on merit. It is not possible for lawyers to buy their way in. Inclusion is therefore a great honour.
Our lawyers have been recommended by The Legal 500 in the area of claimant clinical negligence law, with the publication quoting the following testimonial:
‘This is a team which sets a very high bar for client care. They achieve this via clear-eyed empathy, an excellent grasp of the facts and the law in each case, and a truly fearless approach with opponents.’
The guide adds that the team is, ‘Passionate about the work they do. Proactive and great to work with.’
Two members of the department have been singled out for individual praise. Practice head Oliver Thorne is described as a ‘shrewd tactician‘, with an, ‘ability to see through to the essentials in each case.‘
Partner Caroline Webber-Brown is described as being, ‘excellent at client management in sensitive cases.’
Elsewhere it states , ‘Having worked with Caroline Webber-Brown for years, I cannot think of a lawyer who better combines client care with utter devotion to their cause and to the fight on their behalves.’
So, if you are looking to appoint one of the best medical accident lawyers in the UK to deal with your case on a No Win, No Fee basis then Oliver, Caroline and the rest of our team are here to help.