Birth injury lawyer, Oliver Thorne, takes a look at placental abruption compensation claims.

Placental abruptions occur when the mother’s placenta separates from the uterine wall before the baby is born. Common symptoms include abdominal pain and bleeding. The severity and medical consequences of the abruption will largely depend on the amount of bleeding and the stage of pregnancy. If the abruption is significant, it can distress the baby and require immediate medical intervention, as the bleeding may affect the baby’s oxygen and nutrient supply.

There is no specific treatment for placental abruption. The level of care required depends on the amount of bleeding, the stage of pregnancy, and the baby’s development. Placental abruption typically occurs after 34 weeks, and once diagnosed, both the mother and baby need close monitoring.

In emergency situations where the abruption is affecting the health of the mother and baby, immediate delivery is necessary, often via caesarean section.

Unfortunately medical errors can occur during the care and management of placental abruption, which may lead to injuries being suffered by mother and baby.

How we can help you

Oliver Thorne, a specialist birth injury lawyer and AvMA panel member, is currently representing a mother who suffered a placental abruption due to incorrect medication administered by her midwife during labour. Consequently, the mother had to undergo an emergency caesarean section.

Oliver and his team are here to provide you with expert guidance on placental abruption compensation claims. If you contact our dedicated medical accident helpline we will review the circumstances of your case and give you a legal assessment — completely free of charge. And if it is a case that we feel has good prospects of success, then we will also provide you with details of our No Win, No Fee medical negligence funding scheme.

You can call our free helpline on 0333 888 0412. Alternatively, you can email brief details of your case to us in complete confidence at [email protected]

Placental abruption compensation claims