To find out if you can claim compensation for nerve damage after surgery contact our helpline for a free case assessment. Call 0333 888 0412 or email us at [email protected]

What is nerve damage?

Nerves run throughout the human body and transmit messages via the spinal cord to the brain. There are three types of nerves:

  • Motor Nerves – which enable us to move
  • Sensory nerves – which allow us to feel pain
  • Autonomic nerves – which regulate our bodily functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure and temperature.

Due to the importance and sensitivity of our nerves, nerve damage can have a major impact on the quality of life of those affected, both physically and mentally.

Symptoms of nerve damage include:

  • severe pain;
  • muscle weakness;
  • loss of senses;
  • numbness;
  • shooting pains; and
  • sensations of burning and tingling

Nerve damage caused by surgery.

Nerve damage is a known risk of surgery.

The surgical team carrying out an operation can check where nerves are located by looking at radiology before the operation. It is also possible to visually see nerves during a procedure.

Despite this, nerve damage can occur. For example, it is possible for a surgeon to damage a nerve when making an incision. Nerve damage can also arise when a nerve is compressed for a long period of time during surgery due to the use of surgical retractors or tourniquets. Additionally, injections that are incorrectly administered can also result in nerve damage.

When nerve damage is suffered after surgery as a result of substandard or negligent medical treatment, then the patient is likely to be entitled to claim compensation.

How we can help you.

For expert guidance on claiming compensation for nerve damage after surgery call our free helpline on 0333 888 0412 or email brief details of your case to us in complete confidence to [email protected]. We will investigate your case free of charge and provide details of No Win, No Fee funding.

Compensation for nerve damage after surgery