What is anesthetic medical negligence?

Anesthetic medical negligence arises when there is a failure by an anesthetist (or another healthcare provider) to meet the required standard of care when administering anesthesia, resulting in the patient suffering harm. It includes situations where the anesthetist fails to properly monitor the patient, administers the wrong type or dosage of anesthetic, fails to obtain informed consent, or doesn’t properly assess the patient’s medical history for potential anesthetic-related risks.

Examples of anesthetic medical negligence

Administering the wrong dosage.

If either too much or too little anesthesia is administered, complications can arise. The patient may suffer symptoms associated with an overdose, or may even experience awareness during surgery. Inadequate pain management may also be a serious issue.

Failing to monitor the patient’s vital signs.

Anesthetists must continuously monitor a patient’s vital signs during surgery. Failure to do so can result in serious medical issues, with brain damage or cardiac arrest occurring if problems are not promptly detected and treated.

Inadequate preoperative assessment.

If an anesthetist fails to properly assess a patient’s medical history, allergies, or pre-existing conditions, there is a risk that administration of anesthesia could put their health at risk.

Failing to inform the patient of risks.

Anesthetists are required to inform patients of the potential risks associated with anesthesia. If a patient suffers harm and was not informed of those risks, then they may have a claim for anaesthetic negligence.

Inadequate post-operative care.

Anesthesia can have lingering effects after surgery, and failure to monitor or properly care for a patient during their recovery can also be negligent.

How we can help you

If any of these failures have lead to you or a loved one suffering injury then the hospital, clinic, or other healthcare provider may be held legally liable for medical negligence. This would give rise to the right to make a claim for compensation for the resulting injuries and any financial losses arising.

We deal with anaesthetic medical negligence claims nationally on a No Win – No Fee basis and will be happy to provide you with a free review of your case.

 Just call us on 0333 888 0412 or send an email to [email protected]

Anesthetic medical negligence