Substantial compensation for botched nose job

If you have had a botched nose job and you are looking for experienced medical accident lawyers to handle a compensation claim on your behalf then call our free national helpline

A rhinoplasty procedure (which is the technical name for a ‘nose job’ in the cosmetic surgery sector) was carried out by well-known cosmetic surgeon at a reputable Harley Street clinic. Prior to the surgery the patient explained to the surgeon that she was unhappy with the appearance of the ‘dorsal hump’ in her nose and wanted this reduced so that her nose would look more in proportion.

Within her post-operative review, she raised her concerns about blood building up in her nose which was causing a swelling. The cosmetic surgeon reassured her and said that with time her nose would heal. However, she became increasingly concerned about fluid building up in her nose and therefore went back to the Harley Street clinic. This time she was told that a blood filled lesion had formned which the cosmetic surgeon ‘popped’ with a needle.

She also raised concerns about her septum, which she felt was misaligned, and her nostrils, which appeared uneven.

The cosmetic surgeon said she could have a further procedure, but she had lost trust in him and decided to get a second opinion. The second cosmetic surgeon confirmed she had a perforated septum, an irregular columella and an irregular dorsal hump; all of which had been caused or exacerbated by the original surgeon at the Harley Street clinic.

She decided to make a compensation claim for the botched nose job. Because of our experience in dealing with cosmetic surgery negligence she appointed us to deal with the case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We sent a formal ‘Letter of Claim’ to the cosmetic surgeon which resulted in an offer to settle the legal claim out of court. We did not think that the offer was enough, so with our client’s agreement the proposal was rejected. Further negotiations then took place and eventually our client accepted an increased offer of £32,000 in settlement of her botched nose job claim.

If you have been the victim of a botched nose job or any other type of negligent cosmetic surgery then call our free legal helpline for a case assessment and details of No Win, No Fee funding. Alternatively you can send an email to us at [email protected]

Cosmetic surgery claim