Making a medical amputation claim

Substandard medical care can have far-reaching consequences for a patient, and in exceptional circumstances it can lead to an amputation being required. If this has happened to you then you’ll need expert legal guidance on making an amputation claim to recover the compensation you deserve.

An amputation claim can arise in a range of different medical scenarios, including

  • Failure to diagnose infection, such as sepsis;
  • Surgical errors;
  • Delay in diagnosis;
  • Delay in referring a patient for surgery;
  • Substandard diabetic care; and
  • Substandard care of pressure sores.

Undiagnosed or untreated DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) for instance can lead to amputation, as can the inadequate management of diabetes.

Amputation can often be life-changing, especially when it involves a limb. It is therefore crucial that your solicitor is experienced in dealing with these cases and understands the full impact it will have upon you, both physically and emotionally,

Our compassionate team (which includes AvMA panelist Oliver Thorne) works with a range of experts, including leading prosthetic technicians and rehabilitation specialists. They will ensure that your compensation package includes funding for all the services you will require (including adaptations to your home), as well as compensation for your injuries and your financial losses, including lost earnings.

Because it can sometimes take a little while for a medical amputation claim to be settled, we are often able to obtain an interim payment when liability is not being contested. An interim payment is an upfront sum of money that is paid on account of your compensation, which can be used to make your life more comfortable while the final settlement is being negotiated.

When we take on your case we will advise you on the amount of compensation you should expect to receive. Our lawyers will work closely with you and your loved ones to identify precisely how the amputation will impact on your life, and develop a compensation package that truly reflects your situation, both now and in the future.

For an idea of the compensation that is payable for ‘pain, suffering, and loss of amenity’ in an amputation claim, you can read here an article about the average compensation award for the loss of an arm.

If you would like to know if you are entitled to make an amputation claim then all you need to do is contact our FREE LEGAL HELPLINE. You can do so by calling 0333 888 0412 or sending brief details to us at [email protected]

Our specialist team will carry out a free case assessment and provide details of our popular No Win, No Fee funding scheme.

Medical amputation claims